Trustees and Staff

The current Board of Trustees is:

  • Sam Scott (Chair)
  • Alison Alger
  • Ian Baldwin
  • Stuart Fairclough
  • Simon Kirby
  • Gareth McKeever
  • Sam Rayner
  • Laura Southern
  • Fran Stokes


The current staff team is:

  • Helen Carter (Director)
  • Liz Islam (Trust Manager)
  • Keri Brown (Finance Manager)
  • Katarina Durrant (Finance & Office Administrator)


Conflict of Interest policy

FSCT Trustees are recruited from a wide range of backgrounds and have three key responsibilities – managing the trust’s investments, considering applications for funding and reviewing policy. To enhance and inform our decision-making processes, we actively seek trustees with involvement in financial services and the local charitable sector.  Any potential conflicts of interest are declared at the outset of each meeting and recorded in the minutes with the appropriate mitigating action taken.